


你正在浏览Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery期刊下所有文献
  • Who are the elderly? A profile of older patients.

    abstract::The graying of America will change the health care system and how health professionals view the quality of care and life for older citizens. In this article, the demographics of US society are explored with comments on forecasted changes in the next 30 years. Understanding the needs of the geriatric population will he...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Helfand AE

    更新日期:1993-01-01 00:00:00

  • Management of hyperkeratotic lesions in the elderly patient.

    abstract::Many factors contribute in the development of hyperkeratotic lesions in the elderly patient. The internal and external causes render the elderly foot more susceptible to limited ambulation, increased incidence of infection, ulceration, and eventual loss of the limb. Once the lesion is classified and the causes identif...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: George DH

    更新日期:1993-01-01 00:00:00

  • Nutrition for the patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

    abstract::Patients with ARC and AIDS develop a variety of symptoms that significantly affect their nutritional status. Podiatrists, although not directly involved with the intricacies of the nutritional management of people with AIDS, should be aware of the effect of the virus on the human body. Investigators are predicting tha...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Solomon NS,Lyden CR

    更新日期:1992-10-01 00:00:00

  • Death, dying, and the patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

    abstract::This article has attempted to provide some insight into the subject of death, dying, and the patient with AIDS. Even though the thought of death and dying is common, it is a topic that at most times is left unspoken. This is especially true in relationship to an illness that, among many, is considered taboo. This arti...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Vader B,Wrubel B,Vader M

    更新日期:1992-10-01 00:00:00

  • Physics of laser beam interactions with living tissue.

    abstract::This article examines fundamental laser physics and the manner in which the laser transfers energy to the surface of the body and how living cells react. Topics include the significance of absorption and scattering coefficients, assumptions for analysis of laser-beam interactions with living tissue, depth of vaporizat...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Borovoy M

    更新日期:1992-07-01 00:00:00

  • The efficacy of carbon dioxide laser surgery for adjunct ulcer therapy.

    abstract::This article focuses on the application of the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser at various levels of power density to achieve a level of efficacy in tissue ablation for cutaneous and deep indolent ulcerations that afflict the lower extremities. This article also supports theories of the CO2 laser generating a sterile nonpat...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Chromey PA

    更新日期:1992-07-01 00:00:00

  • Vancomycin, metronidazole, and tetracyclines.

    abstract::Over the last 30 years, the impurities in the vancomycin product have been reduced, perhaps resulting in a lower rate of adverse reactions. Vancomycin is bactericidal against most susceptible organisms, but is bacteriostatic against the enterococcus. Vancomycin is the drug of choice for methicillin-resistant Staphyloc...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Ellison MJ

    更新日期:1992-04-01 00:00:00

  • Smoking and peripheral vascular disease. Podiatric medical update.

    abstract::Although there is strong evidence that cigarette smoking is perhaps the major risk factor associated with peripheral occlusive vascular disease, there still appears to be little indication that clinicians in podiatric medicine and patients recognize this. When smoking is combined with other risk factors such as diabet...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Levy LA

    更新日期:1992-01-01 00:00:00

  • Bone grafting in rearfoot surgery.

    abstract::Bone grafting, especially in rearfoot surgery, is occasionally required. Two main morphologic types of bone may be grafted, namely cortical and cancellous. Each type of bone has its unique characteristics, which, when used properly, will ensure a good surgical result. Other factors also play an important role in decis...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Wolf K

    更新日期:1991-07-01 00:00:00

  • Posterior calcaneal osteotomy. Effect, technique, and indications.

    abstract::Posterior calcaneal osteotomy is a technically simple procedure that may be used to correct frontal, transverse, or sagittal plane displacement of the calcaneus associated with flatfoot deformity. In selected individuals, subluxation about the oblique axis of the midtarsal joint may be stabilized. Forefoot supinatus m...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Jacobs AM,Geistler P

    更新日期:1991-07-01 00:00:00

  • Complications of foot surgery. Laser surgery.

    abstract::The carbon dioxide laser, when used surgically, is a possible source of complications. Knowledge of laser physics, tissue effects, and target tissue anatomy are of the utmost importance for minimizing complications. This article seeks to elucidate the factors involved in laser beam physics and the effect of these fact...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Mancuso JE

    更新日期:1991-04-01 00:00:00

  • Preoperative examination and criteria for office-based surgery.

    abstract::The most important part of any surgical procedure is the consideration of all the available criteria and findings in choosing the procedure that will yield the optimum result for that particular deformity. This article addresses the rationale of the preoperative examination and criteria for office-based surgical corre...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Dailey JM

    更新日期:1991-01-01 00:00:00

  • Pathology of the fifth ray, including the tailor's bunion deformity.

    abstract::Pathology of the fifth ray has been reviewed with emphasis on the tailor's bunion. Based on a thorough radiographic analysis, the bunionette has been grouped into four types, and surgical criteria has been proposed. The goal of this study is to provide guidelines that may enable both podiatric and orthopedic surgeons ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Fallat LM

    更新日期:1990-10-01 00:00:00

  • Use of antibiotic-loaded bone cement in the management of common infections of the foot and ankle.

    abstract::Antibiotic-loaded bone cement is a useful adjunct in the management of chronic osteomyelitis and in the prevention of recurrent osteomyelitis after an initial attack. Additionally, antibiotic-loaded bone cement stimulated the formation of granulation tissue in excess of that which would normally be expected. Our exper...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Jacobs AM,Seifert AM,Kirisits TJ,Protzel HR

    更新日期:1990-07-01 00:00:00

  • Tumors of the heel.

    abstract::We have attempted to show a correlation between heel pain and tumors and tumor-like conditions. The anatomy and size of the calcaneus predisposes it to increased incidence of trauma. Furthermore, the increased vascularity of the heel versus other areas of the foot may contribute to a higher incidence of both local and...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Berlin SJ,Mirkin GS,Tubridy SP

    更新日期:1990-04-01 00:00:00

  • Sever's disease and its relationship to equinus: a statistical analysis.

    abstract::This study shows that equinus has a definite impact on predisposing a child to Sever's disease. The clinician may still need to rule out other possible causes of this condition, but equinus is a probable cause and must be treated appropriately. ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Szames SE,Forman WM,Oster J,Eleff JC,Woodward P

    更新日期:1990-04-01 00:00:00

  • Nerve conduction studies and their clinical applications.

    abstract::Nerve conduction studies provide the most sensitive and accurate account of peripheral neuropathophysiology. Though nerve conduction studies should never be performed in lieu of a clinical examination, the electrodiagnostic evaluation provides an optimal adjuvant to the clinical examination. Indications for nerve cond...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Weber GA

    更新日期:1990-01-01 00:00:00

  • Cerebrovascular accidents.

    abstract::CVA comprises a large number of clinical entities, depending on the site of infarction in the brain. Accurate evaluation of deficits in the patient's sensory and/or motor systems and the patient's intellectual status are paramount in establishing realistic rehabilitation goals. With respect to the motor system, two ty...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Izzo KL,Aravabhumi S

    更新日期:1989-10-01 00:00:00

  • Triple arthrodesis as a salvage for end-stage flatfoot.

    abstract::End-stage flatfoot is a challenging surgical deformity. It is most commonly rigid and painful, although it may be totally or partially reducible. Arthrosis may be a major feature causing pain, but not necessarily. The terminology "end-stage" means that the deformity and compensation has progressed as far as it will go...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Vogler HW

    更新日期:1989-07-01 00:00:00

  • Nail changes associated with scleroderma: a case report.

    abstract::A case report and literature review on the association of nail changes and scleroderma was presented. The exact etiology of these nail changes seen in scleroderma and of the disease entity itself, has not yet been determined. The current treatment regimen, which is at best supportive, was discussed. Proper treatment o...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Spinosa FA,Murphy ES,Murphy C,Berkowitz B

    更新日期:1989-04-01 00:00:00

  • Nail entities.

    abstract::Nail entities, the most commonly seen nail disorders in foot and their main etiologies are discussed. The reader is asked to consult other textbooks for complementary illustrated information. ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Nzuzi SM

    更新日期:1989-04-01 00:00:00

  • Nail infections.

    abstract::Nail infections are and will continue to be a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to all foot physicians. Attention to basic concepts of accurate detailed history and physical examination will aid in the determination of the etiology of these infections. Following basic guidelines of incision and drainage, gram stain...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Jules KT,Bonar PL

    更新日期:1989-04-01 00:00:00

  • Preoperative planning for hallux valgus bunion surgery: photonics versus templates.

    abstract::Photonic techniques such as CAD can now be applied to foot and ankle surgery for preoperative planning. Perhaps "CAS" (computer-aided surgery) or "surgitecture" would be more appropriate terms for our field and application. Achievements in this new frontier depend on present and future generations of podiatrists who a...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Woodle AS

    更新日期:1989-01-01 00:00:00

  • Radiographic evaluation of inflammatory arthritis of the foot.

    abstract::This article provides a brief overview of the radiographic appearance of the more commonly encountered arthridities in the foot. Also reviewed is a stepwise approach to interpreting radiographs in a patient suspected of having a synovial-based disease. ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Oloff LM

    更新日期:1988-10-01 00:00:00

  • The orthopedic evaluation of the neonate.

    abstract::A method for the orthopedic evaluation of a child during the neonatal period of life has been discussed. Emphasis has been placed on conditions affecting the lower extremities such as spinal anomalies, congenitally dislocated hip, and congenital foot disorders. Early detection and medical intervention can play an impo...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Caselli MA

    更新日期:1988-07-01 00:00:00

  • Anatomy of motion.

    abstract::Review of muscle function during the walking gait cycle suggests that once the body is put in motion, its own kinetic force tends to keep it moving. This progression, however, must be controlled and stabilized by muscles acting on the limb segments during weight bearing. Primary, accelerating muscle action is most imp...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Dykyj D

    更新日期:1988-07-01 00:00:00

  • Footwear and ankle stability in the basketball player.

    abstract::Ankle stability in basketball players is affected by footwear. Athletic shoe manufacturers have introduced specialized lacing systems and high-top performance shoes to improve ankle stability. These performance shoes not only aid in preventing ankle injuries, but also protect injured ankles. ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Petrov O,Blocher K,Bradbury RL,Saxena A,Toy ML

    更新日期:1988-04-01 00:00:00

  • Digital foot deformities in the arthritic patient.

    abstract::Relieving pain and preventing deformity in the rheumatoid foot are best accomplished early in the disease course. Although the treatment of digital deformities may not differ significantly in the rheumatoid versus the nonrheumatoid patient, early and more aggressive management is most important in the rheumatoid patie...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Manzi JA,Pruzansky JD

    更新日期:1988-01-01 00:00:00

  • Instrumentation in arthroscopy.

    abstract::Successful operations result from the interplay of several factors. The artfulness and technical skill of the surgeon are paramount. The instruments are also important. Whereas in traditional surgery one instrument can often be substituted for another with equally good results, arthroscopic surgery offers no such luxu...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Gurvis DE

    更新日期:1987-10-01 00:00:00

  • The physician in industry.

    abstract::This article surveys the major types of work-related injuries and diseases, their principal causes, methods for their prevention or control, and the multifaceted role of the physician in occupational medicine. ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Upton AC

    更新日期:1987-07-01 00:00:00

  • The early diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease.

    abstract::The time has long since passed when gangrene followed by amputation was the anticipated outcome of peripheral vascular disease of the extremities. Nevertheless, today in the United States it is estimated that there are more than half a million amputees. With preventive measures, early diagnosis, and adequate treatment...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Shafer R,Shafer N,Positano RG

    更新日期:1987-07-01 00:00:00

  • Local wound care in the diabetic.

    abstract::Since wounds in patients with diabetes will heal slowly at best, and since they are so much more susceptible to infection and the infection will be more devastating, the old adage of "first do no harm" must be adhered to. Diabetics have poor circulation, poor resistance to infection, and poor local nutrition. Their wh...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Dunn JM

    更新日期:1987-04-01 00:00:00

  • Congenital convex pes valgus. The condition and its treatment.

    abstract::The congenital convex pes valgus deformity has been presented in reference to its etiology, pathologic anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment. It is imperative that this deformity be diagnosed immediately and treatment instituted rapidly to achieve a functional plantigrade and asymptomatic foot. ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章,评审


    authors: Silvani SH

    更新日期:1987-01-01 00:00:00

  • Clinical applications of biomechanics cinematography.

    abstract::Biomechanics cinematography is the analysis of movement of living organisms through the use of cameras, image projection systems, electronic digitizers, and computers. This article is a comparison of cinematographic systems and details practical uses of the modality in research and education. ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Woodle AS

    更新日期:1986-10-01 00:00:00

  • Rounds in podiatric dermatology.

    abstract::Dr. Port presents six cases, which he refers to as "zebras," with clinical descriptions and discussions that typify his excellent teaching style. He also alludes to the fact that podiatrists need to be thorough in their history and physical evaluations. After a lesion has been treated appropriately and does not respon...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Port M

    更新日期:1986-07-01 00:00:00

  • Principles and descriptions of design of skin flaps for use on the lower extremity.

    abstract::Distinction must be made between tissue movability and tissue elasticity when considering tissue movement with the hope of predicting good results. Tissue movability is either inherent, as on the back of the thigh, or is created by undermining, back-cutting, or cutting out Bürow's triangles. The elasticity of skin is ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Dockery GL,Christensen JC

    更新日期:1986-07-01 00:00:00

  • Approaches to the ankle region.

    abstract::This article has attempted to address the surgical realm of the ankle region. With the advent of more interest in treating patients who require atraumatic and corrective surgical procedures of the ankle region, it is mandatory for us to become better trained and to improve our skills and expertise. The points worth su...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Sullivan JD

    更新日期:1986-04-01 00:00:00

  • Arthroplasty of the fifth digit.

    abstract::This article deals with the etiology, pathomechanics, and treatment of the varus rotated toe. Various surgical principles and techniques are demonstrated, from elliptical derotating procedures to Z and V-Y skin flaps for the more severe deformity. ...

    journal_title:Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Dobbs BM

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

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